Talking Transport Transformation

S01-E03 | How WomenMobilizeWomen in the transport sector with Laura Ballesteros

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In May 2018 TUMI organized the first all-female conference “WomenMobilizeWomen” (WMW). In 2019 TUMI published the first “Remarkable Women in Transport” publication. Laura Ballesteros, former Undersecretary of Mobility in Mexico City, was part of both milestones. Today we have the chance to speak with her about empowering women in mobility and the work she and her colleagues do at Mujeres en Movimiento, the Latin American Chapter of WMW.

Many thanks to

Our TUMI Partners ADB, BMZ, C40 Cities, CAF, GIZ, ICLEI, ITDP, KfW, SLOCAT, UN-Habitat, WRI

Our Guest Laura Ballesteros

Our moderators Lena Stiller and Marvin Stolz

Max Bleß from audioBoutique for the sounddesign

Sebastian Hofer from freifahrt for the concept and production support



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We are TUMI – the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative.
Join us on a trip around the world to learn about sustainable mobility solutions in cities. Meet inspiring experts and pioneers working on resilient urban transport systems, e-mobility, gender-sensitive transport planning and many more. Our guests will be taking us from Nairobi via Bogotá to Delhi. Tune in to accelerate the sustainable transformation of urban mobility.

by Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative


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