Talking Transport Transformation

S02-E30 | Mainstreaming Popular Transport and its importance in the Global South

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In today's podcast episode, we find out why informal transport or paratransit is framed as Popular Transport how this sector is set-up in a unique way compared to traditionally “formalized” transport. Delve into the reasons why such modes exist in different geographies and how the sector can move forward to integration and decarbonization with the bigger transport system.

Meet Our Guest:

Andrea San Gil León is the Executive Director of the Global Network for Popular Transportation, Founder of the Center for Urban Sustainability in Costa Rica and Co-Founder of Agile City Partners. She is an environmental engineer specialising in sustainability policy, urban sustainability and sustainable transport. Andrea is passionate about reducing social vulnerability and increasing quality of life through city design and sustainable solutions, making cities better places not only for people but also for nature and climate. Andrea has over a decade of experience working as an international consultant developing projects with organisations such as C40, ICLEI, The Nature Conservancy, IADB, AFD, UNEP, GIZ and PTB, but also a policy advisor to different ministries and local governments in projects related to sustainable development, climate, sustainable transport and planning.

She was named one of Costa Rica's 40 Top Leaders Under 40 by the El Financiero Newspaper in 2011, a World Economic Forum Global Shaper in 2012, one of LATAM's Important Female Figures in Transport by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2021, and one of the Remarkable Feminist Voices in Transportation in 2023 by Women Mobilize Women and the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative.

Listen in for an insightful episode about what makes popular transport so popular, how we can know more about its role in cities, and what we need to think about when we talk about decarbonizing this sector.

Many thanks to

Our TUMI Partners as well as BMZ, BMWK, and IKI Mobility

Our guest Andrea San Gil León LinkedIn

Women on the Move representative Patricia Mariano

Our moderator Keisha Mayuga and Hannah Behr With help from our intern Carl Simon Springer

Max Bleß from audioBoutique for the sounddesign

Sebastian Hofer from freifahrt for the concept and production support



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We are TUMI – the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative.
Join us on a trip around the world to learn about sustainable mobility solutions in cities. Meet inspiring experts and pioneers working on resilient urban transport systems, e-mobility, gender-sensitive transport planning and many more. Our guests will be taking us from Nairobi via Bogotá to Delhi. Tune in to accelerate the sustainable transformation of urban mobility.

by Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative


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