Talking Transport Transformation

S02-E03 | Data for Public Transport with Devin de Vries

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Public Transport remains the backbone of mobility systems in major cities around the world. And as urbanization continues, the formal and informal public transport services in mega cities grow and change constantly. What is key to utilizing the full potential of public transport and to increase its attractiveness for commuters is information about how and where these services can be accessed - or even where they are currently obstructed. To understand approaches to improve public transport services, we had the chance to talk to Devin de Vries. Devin is the CEO and co-founder of WhereIsMyTransport a mobility technology company that develops products to improve the public transport experience in emerging-market megacities. Join us for the discussion on the role of mobility data and up to the hour mobility monitoring for an improved usability of public transport services.

S02-E02 | Transitioning to E-Mobility with Erika Myers

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Electric vehicles are viewed as critical for transport decarbonization. To understand how to best leverage the potentials of a large-scale electrification of the transport sector, we had the chance to talk to Erika Myers. Erika works as Global Senior Manager, Electric Vehicles at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. Join us for the discussion on the role of e-mobility for a sustainable mobility transformation, electrification of bus fleets and her ambition to empower women in the EV industry.

S02-E01 | Gender-inclusive mobility with Ines Kawgan-Kagan and Sonal Shah

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Urban transport is often seen as gender neutral – a road or bus system benefits all equally. But really: it´s not! Women and men have different mobility behaviors, needs and restrictions for using transport. We discuss these disparities together with Ines Kawgan-Kagan, who is managing director of the AEM Institute in Berlin and Sonal Shah from Delhi, founder of the Urban Catalysts. They will give us a better understanding on this topic and how to improve the gender equality in mobility as well as urban spaces.

S01-E10 | Welcome 2021 – TUMI’s take on the new year with Daniel Moser

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2020 turned the world upside down. All over the world, mobility activities took place in an astonishing pace and new paths were taken. A few days into the new year, 2021 promises to be no less exciting and transformative for sustainable urban mobility solutions. In this episode, Daniel Moser, Management Head of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), will take us through the mobility developments of the past year and give us a taste of what to expect of 2021’s mobility activities.

S01-E09 | Safe cycling as driver for sustainable mobility with James Theom

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Supporting innovative pilot projects is one of TUMI’s key pillars of action to strengthen the resilience of urban mobility systems. To tackle the ongoing COVID Pandemic, TUMI is currently developing a COVID Challenge in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. For this episode we are happy to talk to James Theom, director at the Copenhagenize Design Company. James supports the project in Cuenca which will enable safe and inclusive cycling infrastructure in the city.

S01-E08 | Road Safety with Viktor Zagreba

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Even though city officials and planners have introduced many safety precautions for road safety throughout the last decades – we still see way to many traffic fatalities on our roads. We talk about and understand this dilemma with Viktor Zagreba from Ukraine. Viktor is a road safety activist, was advisor to the minister of infrastructure and just recently founded his own mobility consulting company. Tune in to hear how road safety can be improved and lives saved!

S01-E07 | Cycling Revolution in Bogota with Nicolas Estupinan

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Cycling has become more and more popular in many places around the world during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Especially the Colombian capital Bogotá has become famous for their bicycle friendliness over the last months. To learn how the city officials have successfully pushed cycling as a safe and healthy transport alternative, we are happy to have had the chance to talk to Nicolas Estupinan. He is the Secretary of Mobility for the city of Bogotá and shares his success factors of the transformation and how citizens respond to it.

S01-E06 | Making cities more equitable through public transport with Dario Hidalgo

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Dario Hidalgo, Senior Mobility Researcher at the World Resource Institute shares his insights on questions of mobility and justice with us today. He has an extensive experience as researcher, consultant, government official and lecturer and a focus on Latin America, shades light on the cross-sectoral topic from different angles. Listen to best-practices of accessible mobility, how city development can be more just and what the right ingredient towards a fair urban transport system are.

S01-E05 | Keeping women safe with Elsa Marie D'Silva

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Today we will have a chat with Elsa Marie D'Silva from India. She created an app that enables women to identify and avoid sexual violence hotspots in their cities. Feeling comfortable and safe is a precondition for people, especially women, to use public transport. Elsa gives women the possibility to anonymously report incidents which then are published on the website. The map is the largest crowd-sourced map showing sexual violence hotspots in India, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria and Nepal.

About this podcast

We are TUMI – the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative.
Join us on a trip around the world to learn about sustainable mobility solutions in cities. Meet inspiring experts and pioneers working on resilient urban transport systems, e-mobility, gender-sensitive transport planning and many more. Our guests will be taking us from Nairobi via Bogotá to Delhi. Tune in to accelerate the sustainable transformation of urban mobility.

by Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative


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